Without being able to see your character, are you glyphed into arcane (not that that would make or brake it) - also... my rotation is this:
CS>SrS>AS>SS>SS>AS>AS>SS>SS>CS (AiM on proc)
that's just rotation tho, not priority, I was at times throwing a KC into the rotation but honestly it wasn't even making the top 5 damage contributors... I went for reforging Crit to mastery as that was the highest stat on most gear options i had so highest damage/dps for me has consistently been Wild Quiver, Auto & Arcane...
Sorry this isn't very helpful - looking forward to other responses
Reforge all your gear from crit to mastery or if u have to haste to mastery. That way every arcane shot has like a 25-30% chance to cause an extra auto shot. I currently get around equal number of auto shots and wild quiver.
Go to survival it is a 100x better spec atm just ignore Serp for now because dec 7th it leaves the rotation for good. They buffed up black arrow also making it a playable spec and doing more then MM now. (+ you can farm ###% in surv because multishot is useful with serp spread)
Serpent Sting will be gone? I actually end up respeccing? Good job, Blizzard.
I use the MM rotation without Kill Command.
Even within the first couple of minutes, I ended up doing 100++ dps more than MM rotation with Kill Command. My first MM rotation was with Kill Command too.
Try this:
rapid fire
arcane to dump focus
steady to 90 focus
arcane to dump focus
steady to 90 focus
readiness/rapid fire when ready
all while using chimera on CD
Try this:
rapid fire
arcane to dump focus
steady to 90 focus
arcane to dump focus
steady to 90 focus
readiness/rapid fire when ready
all while using chimera on CD
Rapid Fire gives an instant 50 focus when used, also it's better to spam Steady Shot until the boss is at 80% health due to Careful Aim.
I suggest saving Rapid Fire until after 80% so you can do the Arcane Shot spam.
Rapid Fire gives an instant 50 focus when used, also it's better to spam Steady Shot until the boss is at 80% health due to Careful Aim.
Yea...about that....no it doesn't....
Yup, Rapid Killing gives you 50 focus if you have Rapid Recuperation. Rapid Fire "only" gives you 12 focus every 3 seconds with Rapid Recuperation. =P
Rapid Fire gives an instant 50 focus when used, also it's better to spam Steady Shot until the boss is at 80% health due to Careful Aim.
Yea...about that....no it doesn't....