
Hunter Dodge Rating

Has anyone else noticed the following:

Hunters appear to be the only class in the game with a base dodge rating of 0%. That's right, if you strip your character, you will have 0.00% chance to dodge. Most other classes, in contrast, hover around the 3-5% mark. To make matters worse, it takes approximately 2500 points of agility (at level 85) before hunters gain the first 0.01% chance to dodge. Hunter's, therefore, effectively have a negative chance to dodge, and must overcome that penalty with substantial amounts of gear before they even break into positive dodge rating. As the game currently stands, Hunters with thousands of agility will have 15% or less dodge rating that a comparably equipped rogue. Why is that?

This mechanic has existed for years. It does not appear to be a mere tooltip error either, but I will run numbers later to confirm this.

Now, back in Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard gave hunters a band-aid fix in the form of "Aspect of the Dragonhawk." This aspect effectively combined both Aspect of the Hawk and Aspect of the Monkey, giving most/all hunters a passive boost to dodge. Now that Aspect of the Monkey and Aspect of the Dragonhawk have been removed from the game in Cataclysm, hunters have no way of overcoming the aforementioned dodge penalty. It is simply not fair that Hunters have significantly less passive damage mitigation than other similarly situated classes. Especially, when this appears to be the result of a basic calculation error.

I understand that we do not want hunters, who already stack agility for damage purposes, to be walking around with 50% passive dodge. That's why the ratio of agility -> dodge rating should be kept high (like rogues). On the other hand, its down right stupid that hunters must deal with a high agility -> dodge ratio IN CONJUNCTION with what amounts to a substantial negative base dodge rating.

I would appreciate it if other hunters could confirm this issue and help me provide some hard data. I would also be very grateful if an 85 rogue could add some data (ex. their naked dodge rating).

A Very Confused Hunter with 3.5k+ agility and a 1.9% chance to dodge...
Don't forget that even in pvp, even a single item of expertise (my paladin has 2! [bracers and shoulders]) neutralizes any and all benefit.
I have a 1.63% chance to dodge. Isn't it marvelous?
I think I'd be satisfied simply by knowing whether the current dodge calculation is intended or not.
Half-ass game design at work.

