
best pet??

hi just wondering what the best pet now for solo and dps???
im a BM btw
Spirit Beasts are really good for soloing, same with turtles. Best dps for BM I think is still devilsaur but you could use other pets for buffs
Pet DPS is normalized. The 'best' pet will technically be dictated by whatever buff/debuff your group is lacking and your ability to provide it.

Really, you're safe to just pick one you like and use it.
im hearing alot abt foxes...what benefit can i get from a fox?
http://www.wow-petopia.com/talents/skills.html has a really great breakdown of all pet abilities :) Foxes specifically offer Tailspin: "Your fox twirls its tail around, kicking up an obscuring cloud of dust, causing all enemies within 10 yards to have their melee and ranged attack speed reduced by 20% for 30 sec."
first- foxes= gilnaes/worgen area
second- i like cats and wolves, they both give a great party/raid buff, i know those are kinda original but a cool wolf can be found in hellfire ramparts, and there are a couple of tamable rare/elite/rare elite cats in the barrens, humar the prielord is one - he is a jet black lion, there is also a white/gray one too.
It's all about playing to what the group is missing now. Your group makeup determines which pet is best. Ie.

If you're missing a DK for HoW, a Sham for Strength of Earth, and a Warrior for Bshout, bring a cat or spirit beast for Roar of Courage.

If you're missing a Mage/Shaman for BL/Hero/Time Warp, bring a Core Hound for Ancient Hysteria.

Etc, etc.

Or stick to whatever pet you want. Most of the time you should see most buff slots covered.

