
Boss mod

Which boss mod is more accurate atm? I was running Dxe in wrath but it seems a lot of people went to dbm. I never really cared too much for dbm though.
Haven't kept up with anything else other than DBM to be honest.
I use BigWigs now. It's the least intrusive of all the boss addons. I used to use DXE, but don't see any real reason to switch back once they finally update it.

This current tier of content doesn't really have many timers or warnings you need to worry about, at least as DPS. I can't think of many fights where I would be lost without a boss addon, although in Wrath it was extremely necessary.
have always been using DBM but just for the hell of it tried big wigs and love it

It does heaps of cool ###! without the need to change or edit anything. Like flashes and sounds and other mad ###!.

Apparently it also had some extra timers for tanks which DBM didnt but that was a couple of weeks back... when my guild was actually raiding rather than re-progressing through ###! with new people, fml.

