
Bestial Wrath Bug?

[:1]Maybe its just me but when I cast bestial wrath it'll remove crowd control effects but while enraged im still being stunned and snared. I can't find patch notes to say that bestial wrath has been changed to allow you to be CCed while under the effects nor have I seen any other hunter complain about it. Is it just me?
It was changed. And it's a good change, too.
Pretty sure the nerf was to "the beast within" talent, its been like that since the 4.0 talent reset when it was changed to > The Beast Within - While your pet is under the effects of Bestial Wrath, you also go into a rage causing 10% additional damage and reducing the focus cost of all shots and abilities by 50% for 10 sec.

"in the patch 4.0.1 this talent no longer grants inmunity to cc and slow while it last , but it still remove those effects on use."

I used to have this macroed to hunter's mark and pet attack. No more! Now I save it to remove those effects or as a last ditch buff.

I do have it key bound to H, so it is easy to get to. (my pet attack macro is G)
could probably macro to cast masters call as well to get some of the freedom back?

