[:1]IMO hunter is the best class for soloing. A close second would be blood dks and then pallys. The two best specs for this are MM and BM. I know the MM spec that is best for soloing, as well as the best glyphs for MM soloing. Anyone have a good BM spec + glyphs and rotation for bosses as I hear KC and animal handler will get buffed and BM mite be on top again for soloing. Also, I've been looking to get some outdoor raid bosses on my hunter, but IDK what happened to the dragons that were there before. Are any World bosses still available with old health+damage?
Heard the Nightmare dragons were taken out.
Btw, go solo Magtheridon (MM for heals) and Marrowgar (Sv to beat Enrage) on your Hunter, fun stuff.
I did VH as SV (Im trying to pwr level lw though...)
We can solo current content too. Normal Stonecore. Gogo drake farm :)
The old world dragons are no longer there.