I use 1-6, F1-F4, A-F, and Z-V on the querty. And lots of shift keys.
For PvP, you definitely want to bind all your major shots and defensive cooldowns (deterrence, disengage, master's call, etc.) You can get away with clicking traps, aspects, mount, bandage, etc.
I like a clean UI, so I hide every ability that isn't on cooldoon:
I like a clean UI, so I hide every button on my screen
ctrl and shift modifiers for those keys.
Have !!@% you dont use much on F1+ keys. For pvp my rapid fire, master's call and a few other abilities are on those keys.
Few days ago i ripped off a store and bought a razer naga at less than cost price so I will prolly be starting to rebind the F keys to all my new glowy buttons on the mouse.