[:1]Whats the deal with reforging. Im SV, and it has completely slipped my mind, how I dont know, but I need some help, if you can.
What do I reforge to, and should I do it on every item. Whats the breaking point, say I reforged all crit to mastery, would there be a point where it is lowering my dps to go below 40 percent crit, etc?
I tend to follow Grandpappy's advice.
For SV, first, make sure your hit capped.
Then reforge Mastery to haste till %8.125(correct me if I'm wrong). Should allow 3 cobras for every 1 Explosive on when Lock and Load isn't lit up.
Then reforge Mastery into crit.
I might be hazy on the percent mark, but I think it's close.
Mastery bad for SV.
So, is dwarf hunter wrong it shows a loss of 14 dps changing 47 mastery into whatever haste, and a loss of 19 dps if i changed mastery and crit to haste overall.
Actually it is saying that its an increase mastery to haste on some items and noton others wtf
Naw cause my cobra is no where near that. Its at 2.35. I switch one item it says 20 minus, I switch another it says about 20 plus. Not enough to move haste too high or too low from 1.67