
Macro to solve some of the issues w/ pet aoe?

[:1]I'm trying to make a macro that will use a pet's aoe ability, and then clear its aggro table so it doesn't go chasing after critters afterward.

Here's what I came up with, but it doesn't work-

/use Tailspin
/use Passive(Pet Stance)
/use Defensive(Pet Stance)

The issue is that /use Passive(Pet Stance) and /use Defensive(Pet Stance) aren't doing anything, not even when used alone, so basically what I'm looking for is how to put your pet in different stances using a macro, since /use doesn't appear to work.

/use and /cast do the same thing. /cast doesn't work either.


I don't think it happens enough to warrant a macro, probably just better off putting your pet on passive and adding /petattack to your opener or one of your other abilities.

