
Hunter macros

[:1]Since the old stickies are gone, and everything I find is old pre cata stuff.

What are the key macros you need now?

I remember a few for disengage and wingclip or the like were nice to have (put all your melee on one button, etc)
/cast !Eagle Eye

Amazed, you will be.
not needed but i like using it

/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] [target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection

/raid ~~~Misdirection to %f~~~

/p ~~~Misdirection to %f~~~

basically if you have no focus it will md your pet and if u do it will md your focus and annoucne in party/raid
^ I hate macros like that.
The ones that tell everyone what you're doing.

Especially for MD.
there was a hunter in my guild in Wrath who'd set up his macro for party, raid, AND hunter chat for the guild (one of those custom channels no one uses) and would spam it, hard core.

No one really cares to hear about you MD'ing the tank every cooldown. Gosh.

Same goes to you healers who have macros for rezzing people.
Trying to make a survival hunter macro that will do black arow, explosive shot, and steady shot but I cant get it to work.

I havent made a macro in about 2 years so im super rusty
Is kill Command on the GCD? If it isn't couldn't you macro it to all our shots?

