
With hat in hand, please guys, help me.

This guy on Ceherah's DPS Analysizer should be throwing 12K DPS with raid buffs, I am lucky to get 5 in a 5 man and 6 in a 10 man.

He has good gear and such, How in the heck can I be so wrong? I am about at my wits end.

Rotation is SS, BA, ES, x2 SteadyS, arcane if space for it and around again and again yep I use Kill command.

Please, at this point I will try anything.

Seeing as you're SV, do this:

SS, BA, ExS, Steady til ExS comes off CD, repeat.

Ignore Kill Command, ignore Arcane Shot. You're focus starving yourself. There will be times right now you need to put up SS and BA right after another with just enough focus left to ExS. When you do this, you might be a second or two off from ExS CD, so recast is ASAP.
Oh, and never take Zeherah's DPS Analyzer for face value. That's assuming the most optimal conditions.
I certinaly agree with not takeing anything for granted. But I seem to run a coupl thousands below my senior guild mates. So frusting, I try so hard.

However, I am 72 years old and starting to think it must be old age unless I am just missing sometintng important.

I certinaly agree with not takeing anything for granted. But I seem to run a coupl thousands below my senior guild mates. So frusting, I try so hard.

However, I am 72 years old and starting to think it must be old age unless I am just missing sometintng important.


Much respect for being 72 and wearing a hat.

Also, you won't get the DPS listed in a 5 man (or likely a 10 man either) because you won't have all the buffs and target debuffs that are in the spreadsheet.

Maybe with the spreadsheet, try only tick the buffs you actually would have in a 5 man and then try it out :)
No buffs no nothing 9200. Sure wish I could get 9200 with full 25 man raid buffs in ICC, LOL.
use femaledwarf, it is quite accurate. In full 264 gears can pull 13-14k easy single target like ICC fester. Still not as astronomical as mages but still its there.
I am a survival hunter now too, and been running heaps of heroics lately to get glory of the hero and was grinding for my trike. If I tried in a heroic I can break 8 or 9k, for example, the Ick fight in PoS i was at about 9.8k. Typically, I'll break 7k in a boss heroic without really doing too much.

The rotation I use is SS, BA, ES. With LnL procs I'll use ES, SS then ES then SS and then ES again. However, depending on fight and boss HP I might do ES > Arc S then go in dbl kill shots. If I wanna blow my CDs, Ill use Rapid fire at the start then go into my rotation but I have extra steadies between ES cooldowns and then burn off focus with 1-2 arcane shots. I think it will just take practice and getting the hang out of it.

In my gear, for Fester, I hit about 11.8k, which is probably a bit low, but I attributed it to the fact that I got hit by vile gas twice.
If you noted Chaser has a 6005 gear score. But I just suck I guess.

No excuse sir. Against Festergut I will get in the 8K range. Sigh. What ever you get in ICC I get about 2K less.

Oh did a 61K DPS clearing in ICC last week. Guess that will up my average, LOL.
He has good gear and such, How in the heck can I be so wrong? I am about at my wits end.

Please, at this point I will try anything.

I feel your pain. You are not alone.
1. What pet are you using?
2. What food buff?
3. What flask?

Also, don't get hung up on DPS...and gear scores. I don't have nearly the GS you do....but I have pulled over 8k as a SV hunter on 5 man bosses. I am STILL using the DMK Greatness trinket...simply becasue I haven't found any with a higher GS that can beat it (that have dropped for me). The 90 agil on it equal 180 AP. When it procs (which is often), that is an additional 600 AP. I have a 232 trinket...but it simply doesn't compare to the 200 one.

Also, I have more haste than you do, and I converted all my excess hit into Mastery...which seems to help SV. I also converted some of my crit. And once I get Cobra shots...i expect my dps to start climbing.

As SV...pets I use are cat....wolf...and on a rare occasion...a tanking pet like a turtle (as a temp backup tank). Cat helps my DPS the most.
Chaser, lemme suggest something:
Spec MM, get the MM spec from rendron, on the same realm as me.

Get you haste up to around 800. Through reforging your crit into haste. Ther rest of the unreforged crit goes into mastery.

Serpent Sting -> Arcanex2 -> Steadyx3 -> Chimera
-> Steadyx2 -> Arcanex2 or 3 -> Steadyx3 ->Chimaera


Oh and if you get a frost dk into the raid for the 10% haste buff, you'll get lots of improvement.
Where's your hat?

Do you keybind? That one change in gameplay - going from clicker to keybind - improved my dps.
But I'm MM and not Surv.
Lots of food for thought here. Appreciate the help.

Honest, I will try to do better.

