
Lock and Load

[:1]Hey Hunters,

I just have a quick question regarding lock and load..

Seeing as how our GCD is now a flat one second.. and the Explosive Shot debuff lasts exactly two seconds (3 ticks).. if I cast, for example:

Explosive Shot
Arcane Shot
Explosive Shot

Perfectly, one after the other.. would the second Explosive Shot not overwrite the last tick of the first Explosive Shot? (Seeing as how the new debuff is applied at the exact moment the old one is doing its final damage)

I assume is doesn't end up clipping.. I was just wondering if someone could help me understand why.

It doesn't clip it because the two full second GCD's cover the entire 2 second duration of the dot.

Explosive shot
1 second
Arcane shot
1 second (DOT from first Explosive shot is now over)
Explosive shot

Also....you don't want to throw that arcane shot in there anyway. You are better off dps wise throwing a Cobra shot in between or even a kill command if you need to bleed focus. You don't want to waste a Lock and Load proc on an Arcane Shot.

Frostheim's Survival Shot Rotation guide includes an entire section on this.

You wouldn't do use an arcane shot at all, its a waste of the lnl, you weave a cobra shot in between each shot as long as it doesn't cap your focus, which it shouldn't if your using it.

So you would use explosive shot>cobra>exp>cobra>exp>arcane dump or kill command
I realize that I wouldn't want to use an Arcane Shot ;)

I was just using it as an example because it made my explanation easier.

I'll change it to:

Explosive Shot
Kill Command
Explosive Shot

Also, I appreciated that timeline Darkfist, however.. my misunderstanding comes right at the end..

"1 second (DOT from first Explosive shot is now over)
Explosive shot"

Those two things happen at exactly the same moment (Because the damage is applied right as the debuff fades.. which is exactly 2 seconds after the first shot.. which is exactly when you will fire your next Explosive Shot. The new latency queue system makes sure this is exactly every GCD), so whats to say the damage does not get missed? It just confuses me because it is at the EXACT same moment in time.. and I'm not sure exactly how the game code handles a situation like that.
The Dot takes exactly 2 seconds to tick it's full duration.

Your 2 global cooldowns last exactly 2 seconds.

The 2 global cooldowns last the full amount of time that your dot takes to tick. You aren't even ABLE to fire the second Explosive Shot until the moment that the first one applies it's last tick of damage.

You are reading the timeline incorrectly and that is why you are confused.

1 second
DOT from first Explosive shot is now over

Those are the 2 things that happen at the same moment. The next moment is when your 2nd Explosive shot would be fired. This would be AFTER those previous 2 things happened.

1. The First Explosive shot expires applying it's last tick of damage and simultaneously your cooldown expires allowing you to fire another explosive shot.

2. You fire another explosive shot.

The 2nd Cooldown lasts all the way up until the last tick of damage is applied...therefore you can't fire that second Explosive shot until after that last tick of damage.

Does that make sense?
Kind of, I'm just thinking more on the server end, with the new queue system.. allowing your pre-queued Explosive Shot to apply the new damage/debuff at the exact moment the old one is doing it's final tick.

Obviously it works, that's why all 3 ticks are being accounted for. I'm thinking it might be possible that the new anti dot clipping system allows for the final tick to apply damage and the new debuff is still applied, seeing as how the first tick of the new Explosive shot is direct damage, and the other two ticks are from the debuff. (Assuming they line up in the exact same millisecond of time)

Sorry if I'm making anyone angry >.> I just really enjoy figuring out the math/mechanics of specific parts of the game.

It's probably safe to move along from this topic <.<

Kind of, I'm just thinking more on the server end, with the new queue system.. allowing your pre-queued Explosive Shot to apply the new damage/debuff at the exact moment the old one is doing it's final tick.

This is where you are in error. These two things don't happen at the same moment.

At the moment the old one is doing it's final tick your cooldown is still in effect. It isn't until the moment following this that the pre-queued Explosive Shot applies the new damage/debuff.
Fair enough. It would mean the two effects are literally back to back at least.

