
Trapping bug

I discovered an annoying trapping bug today- not sure how long it's been in place but folks should be warned. If you place a freezing trap on a target that's already frozen, not only will the trap fizzle and be wasted (as it used to in BC, but had been at least briefly fixed on beta) but it seems to also immediately break the target out of the trap. As you might imagine, finding this out the hard way on a nasty CC pull is less than ideal :(

So for melee mobs you can get around this by placing the next trap in front of the mob, but for casters you'll need to let the trap break before applying a new one until they fix it.

Workin just fine for me. Dunno why it wouldn't otherwise.

I did notice, however, that on the first day or so traps were breaking way too early.
I just did some testing on the target dummy and it was happening erratically. So I'm not sure what causes this but it doesn't seem to be consistent. Weird though because last night it happened to me all 3 times I tried to refresh traps before I decided it would be safer not to. Perhaps I just had bad luck and all 3 were resists, and I guess it tries to replace the trap before it checks on a resist.

it tries to replace the trap before it checks on a resist.

I think this is the problem, I noticed this happen once last night, but I'm currently in a dungeon and retrapping, both launching and laying, is working okay.
That could be it. I just know that during the whole of Halls of Origination and such, the casters had a nice long time to chill.

