
Cobra shot?

[:1]Does anyone else have an issue with it making up 30% of our damage? (probably more for bm)
Now maybe that seems alright for an ability that we spend alot of time casting. But think about it, 30% from cobra and ~20% from autoshot. A good half of our damage is done strictly without focus. It really devalues our resource.

An ability that is spammable, not only free but grants resources. Has such a low cast time that it challenges the gcd(correct me if im wrong). And does more damage than arcane shot.

I personally dislike using arcane shot as a filler and just cant wait to cast cobra again. Imo they should nerf cobra and up our damage for our focus abilities. Give Bm a worthwhile 31pt talent for extra damage and please change black arrow to bring it in line. But yea, i just think cobra is too good for what its supposed to do. Heck, maybe we could get some burst damage.

On another note, id really like to try marks but master marksmen sounds so tedious and alot of the other talents seem like a waste, i just cant bring myself too. Not sure how to change it up as i havent been a hunter long, but it certainly feels underwhelming atm.
Are you suggesting that Hunters get a nerf? After all we just went through? GTFO of my forums... :D

But seriously, I can see your point. Cobra Shot is pretty powerful, but I think we need it. Maybe not that much power, but it is nice. I think a large part of it is that it's nature damage and not physical (like Steady Shot), so it generally hits for more.

Edit: It doesn't hit for more; less of it is resisted. Slight difference, but it's there.

As an MM spec, I've actually played around a lot with Cobra Shot and Steady Shot/"Fire!" rotations, and I'm actually thinking that Cobra Shot hits for more than the Steady/Aimed Proc combined. It's hard to say, and I'm not big number cruncher. But when I PvP, I usually use Cobra Shot as my main focus regen (with Rapid Killing being godly in a PvP environment).

Chimera hitting for 15~17k (with a buff coming soon, yay!), Kill Shot hitting for 10~13 (x2 with the glyph), and Cobra hitting about 4~7k, it's nice (all numbers are crits). I <3 MM, but I don't use the SS/AS combo at all anymore...
Our damage in Icc was ~30% from piercing shots and ~20-30% from auto shot. It's not that big of a deal enjoy the one decent ability we have.
Also I believe the GCD was normalized to 1 second and steady/cobra can only drop below 1.5 seconds before procs like BL so spamming arcane shot to focus dump is still better.

